Friday, May 31, 2019
Snapshots of Carver and Oââ¬â¢Connor, Pre-Mortem :: Photographs Photos Carver OConnor Essays
Snapshots of stonecutter and OConnor, Pre-Mortem Raymond Carver is glaring from the other side of the table, one beefy weapon system dangling on a chair, the other planted firmly in front of him. His eyes ar white, ethereally white, and his hair is a salt and pepper gray. He looks like someone who buys rounds of drinks for everyone at a bar downtown, or, as one critic noted, maybe hes your sons little federation coach. He is tough but jowly, going slightly soft, like a man who had a hair-trigger temper once but has worked all these days to overcome it.Flannery OConnor, on the other hand, is a Sunday school teacher bookish, awkward in a necklace, looking much older than 39. She is felicitous crookedly, furtively, smiling away from us. At church socials, she would be a fixture, a great conversationalist, or possibly the woman that holds everything together, flitting from table to table, cooing in a winning Georgia lilt.You might see Carver at the hardware store, or OConno r picking through the stacks at the library. You might spy Carver raking his lawn on Sundays OConnor would be trying to settle a group of eight-year olds in a church basement with colorful stories of Noah and Moses. They seem like peck I know, people I have seen around town, people I wave to on Sunday mornings. Yet for all their vigor, for all their posture, their days are numbered. I know that these are snapshots of people who are going to die. In a few years, their vivacity will be undercut by mortality, their photographic presence instead marked with the great void of absence. The later pictures show a Carver who is puffy, bald, with jowls dropping to the floor, paying for all those nights at the bar and all those cigarettes, a victim of intensive radiation treatment. OConnor deteriorated in the opposite direction, not bloating but shrinking the sinews in her neck jut out like those of a strange, scraggly bird, her soulful eyes bulge, and her body is rigid with lupus. In the fi nal days, she had her God and her peacock farm in backwoods Appalachia. He had his friends, his writers reputation, his temporal achievements. Their intensive creative lives visible across their faces in the early photographs have been replaced by tranquility, the comforting promise of death, and a final absolution.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Virginia Woolfs A Room of Ones Own Essay -- Virginia Woolf Room One
Virginia Woolfs A Room of Ones OwnMissing works citedIn A Room of Ones Own, Virginia Woolf ponders the plight of womenthroughout history. Woolf reads the lives of women and concludes that if a womanwere to have written she would have had to overcome enormous circumstances (Woolfxi). Woolfs initial thesis is that a woman must have money and a room of her suffer ifshe is to issue fiction (Woolf 4). Throughout the book, however, she develops early(a)important conditions for delicious creation. Woolf comments many nineteenth century egg-producing(prenominal) writers in order to explain these conditions, but she does not mention MaryShelley. Woolf most likely excludes the author of Frankenstein because her writingcontains considerable male influence. The circumstances of Shelleys life, however,meet Virginia Woolfs basic requirements for the production of good fiction. MaryShelley possesses a comprehensive education, encouragement, and an androgynous andincandescent mind (Woolf 98).I n A Room of One?s Own, Virginia Woolf suggests women produce so littleliterature because of the tremendous discouragement and criticism that female writersface. She discusses the set up of opposition and disapproval upon the artistic mind. Theopinions of others greatly affect artists, and it is those of genius who are most sensitive tocriticism. Woolf proposes that it was literally impossible for a talented woman to writewell during the sixteenth century ?A highly gifted girl who had tried to use her giftwould have been so thwarted and hindered by other people, so tortured and pulledasunder by her own contrary instincts, that she must have lost her health and sanity to acertainty? (Woolf 49). To further flesh out her poin... ...tial thesis is that ?a woman must havemoney and a room of her own if she is to write fiction? (Woolf 4). Throughout the book,however, she develops other important conditions for artistic creation such as a wellroundededucation, encouragement, and an ?incan descent and androgynous? mind(Woolf 98). Although Virginia Woolf does not mention Mary Shelley in A Room ofOne?s Own, probably because of the strong male influence in Shelley?s writing, thecircumstances of her life meet Woolf?s basic criteria for the production of good fiction.Mary Shelley?s excellent literary education, stimulating life experiences, encouragementfrom family, and lack of anger, bitterness, and fear in her writing grant her the status ofone of the most famous female writers of the nineteenth century.Works CitedWoolf, Virginia. A Room of Ones Own. New York Harcourt, 1989.
The World Trade Organization Where Itââ¬â¢s Been and Whereââ¬â¢s Itââ¬â¢s Going? Es
The ground Trade Organization Where Its Been and Wheres Its Going?Since the start of trading in the United States and around the world in that respect has always been a need for rules and regulations. The GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) was the one for the past century that dealt with issues that would arise they wrote rules on things that were acceptable and not acceptable in the allot arena. Out of the GATT came the World Trade Organization (WTO) that was designed to take care of more(prenominal) issues than GATT. Although the WTO has only been around for almost a decade it has come down the stairs criticism from almost all arenas. They have had issues brought to their table that have been hard decisions and now have issues they must deal with that could affect the way free trade is in the future. Countries have battled amongst each other as how to solve a problem such as The Beef Hormone Case, The Shrimp Turtle baptismal font and the Caribbean Banana Case. These were case that will be discussed later, but have set a kind of foundation for the WTO as to where they will be headed in the future. tillage has become a hot issue in the international market and the WTO is still trying to find ways to accommodate the developed countries and develop advertise growth in the developing nations. The World Trade Organization is also stepping into new territory and the future is no exception.The World Trade OrganizationThe World Trade Organization was developed in 1995 out of what was known as the Uruguay Round. Although GATT set rules they mostly dealt with issues just involving simple trade of goods and the distribution of tariffs. The WTO has a more broad job than the GATT it oversees multilateral agreements relating not just to good, but... ... the job that they were made to do under the GATT regulations. The future will tell a lot closely the WTO and free trade because so many things are brought to the table that eventually the Wo rld Trade Organization is going to need some form of attend to to make adequate decisions for the world.BIBLIOGRAPHYDiao, Xinshen, Terry Roe and Agapi Somwaru. Developing Country Interests in Agricultural Reforms Under the World Trade Organization. American Journal of Economics v.84, n3 (August 2002) 782-90Irwin, Douglas. put down Trade Under Fire. Princeton and Oxford Princeton University Press, 2002.Josling, Tim. Key Issues in the World Trade Organization Negotiations on Agriculture. American Journal of Agricultural Economics v.85, n3 (August 2003) 663-667Working Group on the WTO/MAI. A Citizens Guide to the World Trade Organization (July 1999) 1-28
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Paper Technology :: essays research papers
Leadership and Motiviation 1. Introduction and Definition 2. Leadership Types a.Natural born(p) leader b. Developed leader 3. Leadership Models a. Traditional b.Non-traditional 4. Leadership Traits a. Make people feel important b. Promote yourvision c. Treat another(prenominal)s as you indirect request to be treated d. Take responsibility for your actions 5.Motivational Theories a. Classical Theory and Scientific Management b. Behavior theoryc. Contemporary Motivational Theories***************************************************************INTRODUCTION in effect(p) leadershiphip is the process of motivating others to meetspecific objectives. We will look at a few areas of leadership and motivation.LEADERSHIP TYPES Few business leaders get to be highly recognized names in theworld at large or even the broadest business communities like the team of WilliamHewlett and David Packard. In 1938 they pooled $538 to found their namesakeHewlett-Packard in a rented garage. Hewlett focused his energy on leading thetechnology side of the now $31 billion high tech leader. Packard wrestled with managingthe twenty-four hours to day operation and died at the age of 83. Many believe that David Packardschief legacy may be his management style. His employees awarded him a M.B.W.A.Degree---"Master By travel Around" for the legwork expanded in his belief thatupper management should remain close to workers. The "HP way" also strives tomaintain a small order atmosphere even as the work force expanded to 100,000.Employees were allowed freedom, and Internal competition was encouraged, whileworking toward a shared objective. Packards commitment to employees was alsolegendary. In 1990 he came out of semi-retirement to help manage a sweeping corporateoverhaul that successfully averted the job losses that subsequently hit many other Hightech companies. David Packard was truly a leader to admired. A good leader he was.This prompts the question "What is a good lea der?" LEADERSHIP MODELS on that pointare many good leaders to choose from. You have military leaders, politicians, CEOs,coaches, athletes, teachers, the list is endless. You may ask what do all people fromdifferent walks of carriage have in common? First lets define what a leader is, a leader isgetting things accomplished by acting through others or getting people to perform to theirmaximum potential. LEADERSHIP TRAITS Now lets identify some common traits of aleader. Leaders are people who set the physical exertion and have the courage to take theinitiative to dominate the situation. They are decisive ,bold, tactful, and communicate verywell. They maintain enthusiasm, commitment, devotion and are knowledgeable of theirduties. MOTIVATIONAL THEORIES Workers motive more than job satisfaction andmorale. They also need motivation. Motivational theories can be classified into three
Henry James The Turn of the Screw Essay -- Henry James Turn Screw Ess
Henry James The spell of the bonkPeter G. Beidler informs us that there have been hundreds of analyses of Henry James spine-tingling novella, The Turn of the Screw (189). Norman Macleod suggests that James himself seems to be an author intent on establishing a text that cannot be interpreted in a definite way (Qtd in Beidler 198). Yet, the vast majority of analyses of The Turn of the Screw seem to revolve around two sub-themes the reality of the ghosts and the death of Miles both of which are used to answer the call into question of the governesss mental stability is she a hero or a deranged lunatic? As Beidler points out, It is an amazingly fine creepy, scary, soul-shuddering ghost story or, alternatively, it is an amazingly fine psychological case study of a neurotic young woman (189). These two views of the governess seem to dominate the analytical world in toll of readings, typically being one view or the other and seldom being anything else. Unfortunately, most of the myriad readings focus only on the visible events as related by the governess. However, there is much that we are not told but that is pertinent to an accurate reading. Bruce Fleming argues that what we are not told in The Turn of the Screw is as significant as what we are told (135). Wolfgang Iser suggests that there are gaps or holes within the sequence of the text. He further suggests that it is the readers responsibility to fill-in those gaps (Qtd in Beidler 226). The facts not in evidence are equal in importance to the information laid out before us. What happens off-screen or off-stage is just as important as what happens in front of the audience. Much of what we do not see and are not told impacts what we do see and are told so g... ...Couldnt Say. Studies in in short Fiction 26.2 (1989) 135-143. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. BYUI Lib. 25 Oct 2005. http//, David, and Nina Grant. Retrieval-induced forgetting is inversely related to everyday cognitive failures. British Journal of psychology 96.2 (2005) 313-319. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. BYUI Lib. 26 Oct 2005. http//, Henry. The Turn of the Screw. Peter G. Beidler. Boston Bedford, 2004.Matheson, Terence J. Did the Governess Smother Miles? A Note on Jamess The Turn of the Screw. Studies in Short Fiction 19.2 (1982) 172-175. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. BYUI Lib. 25 Oct 2005. http//, Jeanne Ellis. Educational Psychology Developing Learners. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River Pearson, 2004.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Character of Dounia in Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment :: Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment
The Character of Dounia   Crime and Punishment Dounias commitment to her brother is unfaltering. Even when she is incloseed with the ultimatum of Luzhin, she continues to endure in her dedication and loyalty to her irritable and rascally brother. She realizes that reservation sure Raskolnikov is there will probably secure her fate in that she will non marry Luzhin. She refuses to do so though if he does not accept his brother. Dounias commitment and loyalty can be seen in her calm nature about the letter, her loyal response to it, and her actions when she goes to visit her brother--she regards his gestures and words with guarded skepticism, entirely realizes that he is at least "unfeigned" when grasping her hand. When Pulcheria shows Dounia the letter she doesnt let her emotions go awry, but she reads the letter like a military sergeant on the battle field, simply carrying out the next order in an entire chain. She decides that she must talk to Raskolnikov befor e answering Luzhin or making her decision. She stands calm and put in in face of the massive divide and rift that has now been created in her life--she has been presented with a dilemma, she is going to be forced to choose between the one(a) she loves and the one she feels "esteems her". In the small garret of Raskolnikov, Pulcheria and Advotya go to see and confer with the now "well" Rodya. Dounias main purpose is to give Raskolnikov the option of whether he would like to aim to their house when Luzhin is there. When her brother responds that it is essentially the womens choice, Dounia is firm in her commitment that he must be there. She wishes to convince him that she is not doing it purely for his sake--but rather for her own. Raskolnikovs chastising of her is ironic because she is only when doing less blatant forms of actions he has already committed. Dounia, even after admitting that her marriage to Luzhin will help her very much, still loyally insists that Raskolnikov must be present for the meeting. She is willing to risk what she has professed is simply for her own sake. Her physical actions when she goes to visit her brother are an amalgam of compassion and skepticism. She is intelligent enough to realize that the things Raskolnikov is saying reckon feigned, as if he had a script written for him.
The Character of Dounia in Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment :: Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment
The Character of Dounia   Crime and Punishment Dounias commitment to her brother is unfaltering. Even when she is presented with the ultimatum of Luzhin, she continues to fail in her dedication and loyalty to her irritable and rascally brother. She realizes that making sure Raskolnikov is there will probably secure her fate in that she will non marry Luzhin. She refuses to do so though if he does not accept his brother. Dounias commitment and loyalty can be seen in her calm nature just about the letter, her loyal response to it, and her actions when she goes to visit her brother--she regards his gestures and words with guarded skepticism, unless realizes that he is at least "unfeigned" when grasping her hand. When Pulcheria shows Dounia the letter she doesnt let her emotions go awry, but she reads the letter like a military sergeant on the battle field, simply carrying out the next order in an entire chain. She decides that she must gibber to Raskolnikov before answering Luzhin or making her decision. She stands calm and collected in face of the massive divide and rift that has now been created in her life--she has been presented with a dilemma, she is waiver to be forced to choose between the one she loves and the one she feels "esteems her". In the small garret of Raskolnikov, Pulcheria and Advotya go to see and confer with the now "well" Rodya. Dounias of import purpose is to give Raskolnikov the option of whether he would like to come to their house when Luzhin is there. When her brother responds that it is essentially the womens choice, Dounia is firm in her commitment that he must be there. She wishes to convince him that she is not doing it purely for his sake--but rather for her own. Raskolnikovs chastising of her is ironic because she is only doing less blatant forms of actions he has already committed. Dounia, even after admitting that her marriage to Luzhin will divine service her very much, still loyally ins ists that Raskolnikov must be present for the meeting. She is willing to risk what she has professed is simply for her own sake. Her physical actions when she goes to visit her brother are an dental amalgam of compassion and skepticism. She is intelligent enough to realize that the things Raskolnikov is saying seem feigned, as if he had a script written for him.
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Soul Taker
It was a dreary night of November and I was on my way pole from camp. On the long journey home my friends told each other scary stories based on a allegory that Miss Maiden told us the previous evening.It was a warm evening at camp, Miss Maiden and Mrs Jane were roasting marshm every(prenominal)ows as the girls played clap games and the boys swoopedPoke-mon cards, I sat thither silently bringing back to mind a dream that I had about the woods next to the camp on Friday the 13th It was about a ashy fort on top of a uneven cumulation, it was burnt rout because of all the evil spirits that was tell to be lurking in vengeances for anyone who try to claim the castle. When I entered the castle on my left was a room I struggled to open the door, a repulsive smell made my skin cells repel. the brown tarnished door I woke up. booI sat there daydreaming trying to remember what I saw in the room but it didnt passm to work. Was it because I was hungry and drooling everyplace those soft marshmallows? I think I tycoon take a break and after eating it might sort out my amnesia.We sat in a circle around the fire eating the hot marshmallows on sticks Miss Maiden began telling a scary myth, I didnt see the point, she might as well read a fairytale because they were never scary I didnt pay much attention to her until she saida rigidly hill were a castle stands I curtly stop gulping down my marshmallows and looked at Miss Maiden, Her eyes were luminously shining as the moon light reflected withdraw her pupils, she looks around at us slowly purposely catching eye connections. She then sharply points to the woods behind us making us all jump in fear.There was nothing behind us Miss Maiden and Mrs Jane started to laugh, I was furious I dropped my marshmallows on the floor, Mrs Jane told us to settle down to continue the story. She explained about a young girl called marline whose parents died when she was at the age of 12 and left there family house in her name. Her aunt ie moved in shortly after the death of her parents. In those times the deceased were buried in their own home. Her auntie treated her like a slave and said over and over again that the house belongs to her.When Marline was 17 her auntie decided to sell the property to a young couple. Mr and Mrs Vale. They were planning to destroy the house and shape a bungalow on top of the hillside as it had the most beautiful sights in the whole town. When her auntie told her about it Marline was outraged she stood up to her auntie referring to her parents go away of the house.Her auntie responded showing her authority over her. Marline ran to her room crying thinking of many evil ways to stop the couple from buying the house.Then it abruptly came across to her She knew what she had to do.Marlines auntie cried out to her to get her a glass of ginger beer. Marline runs to the kitchen and gets a glass out the left cabinet on the wall. She looks around her to see if any one was there she then open ed a bottle with the caution skull sign on it and poured it into the glass.She opened the bottle of ginger beer and poured it right up to the brim of the glass, bubbles foamed up and out. Marline ran to the sink grabbed a napkin and quickly wiped up the ginger beer. She goes to the room which was on the left side of the kitchen and gave her auntie the glass with a devilish smile on her face. Her auntie drank it breathing hard collapsed and died. Marline ran to catch her before she dropped on the floor because she knew that the weight of dead people are bivalent there size. She lays her flat on the couch and covers her with a white lace.She calls someone and says her auntie dead. She then runs up to the 4th floor leaving the phone unhooked and hides in a secret closet trying not to breathe too hard. The door bell rang continuously then she heard a loud hitch and voices became crystal clear. She looked through the little gaps between the closest and saw the police searching up and d own to see if anyone was in. The noise all of a sudden stopped and the door shut she came out the closet and looked out the window discreetly she saw men put her auntie behind a carriage.Marline couldnt exert it she went into her mothers and fathers old room and took her fathers razor and slit her wrists, she vowed that no one would ever step foot into her property again.As Miss Maiden told us the myth I could feel myself turning dusky pale and barley white shivering next to the fire. Mrs Jane asked me if I was alright. I just stared at her like there was something on her face. She covered me with a blanket and patted me on top of my head.All that was running through my head was my dream I said to myself I am going to find that castleBut I didnt have a chance to I fell asleep and when I woke up it was afternoon and we were in a rush to pack our stuff to be on the coach promptly for 7pm.As I sat there leaning against the window sulking, . It was a full moon tonight, I looked up and the luminous moon was as bright as ever. Under the moon was a foggy mist and in that mist was like a shadow of some kind of triangle. I squinted my eyes to see if I could make out what it was.CASTLE I shouted. Everyone at one time looked out the window. Mrs Jane looked above her glasses and told me to keep it quite, I smiled. When I get home that night I will come back and go to the castle. I couldnt wait.It was now 830 pm and we finally reached school, when I got out the coach it was lashing with rain and striking with thunder, I took my little hand luggage and put my coat over my head squinting my eyes to see if I could spot mummys new black car.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
A Person Who Made an Impact on My Life
Dominique Eley 11/1/12 Ms. Conway It was late July, the summer of 2006 to be exact. I was in cabbage spending the summer with my father at his new house. My mother called my dad and me and said I was exit to be a big sister. I was altogether in the 6th grade, but I knew I was going to have to be more responsible and mature. I did not know whether I was going to have a little sister or brother. I was so excited I couldnt wait to get back shoes to assure my new sibling. I was finally older than someone in my family and could actually be the boss of them.When I found out it was a discussion I was so excited, I had so many dreams and a planned out future tense for him as soon as I laid my eyes on him. He was so tiny with dark brown skin, silky black hair, brown eyes, and dimples. His name was DeBron Samuel Eley. As he grew older I noticed that he had an old man personality and was very wise. He was becoming a mini me, he did everything I did and followed me everywhere I went. I re alized that I needed to change my behavior and the things I did because I knew that he wanted to be just like me, and I did not want him to grow up and make bad decisions like I did.I treated my little brother like my son anytime I bought myself something I would buy him something as well. This little boy really made me turn all my negatives into positives and get more active into school and be a better person. I was on the basketball police squad in the fall and during the spring I was on the baseball team. DeBron had become my rob I was more motivated in school and made the adore roll all four quarters in middle school, because I knew that my hard work would inspire him. Fall 2012 he started Kindergarten.The first thing he said when he walked into his class was Im going to be the star student like my big sister. I knew he would make me steep due to all the dedication and hard work I put into him and myself just for him to grow to be a better person than I am. either day he w ould come home with stars and 100s on his homework and classwork, right along with a good phone call home and a story about how he helped someone in class today. He had a high self-esteem level and didnt let his pride get in the way of anything.His first year of kindergarten was my senior year of high school, so we both were graduating in June 2012. This little boy made an adjoin on my life because I would hate to lose another one of my brothers to the streets. He made me look at life from a different billet and I got to see the brighter side of more things. When I moved away to start my college life he automatically wanted to come to college and thats what my future goals are for him. Not a lot of people plan to go to college in first grade Someday when I have a son Im going to raise him the same way I did my little brother.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Big Sleep: Analytically Breakdown
The Big Sleep Analytical breakdown The big peace represents our classs first exploration into what is known as Hardboiled fiction. The advent of Hardboiled literature means an escape from classic detective novels where all(prenominal) we find are ingenious investigators and mind numbing puzzles designed to impress and surprise us. In such novels, the protagonist is lots observed from a third person auspicate of view where insight into the (genius) mind of the protagonist isnt revealed till the end of the novel.Instead, hardboiled literature takes us on a more realistic route result crimes in first person with brute force investigators, rather than Sherlock Holmes like characters. Detective Philip Marlowe of The Big Sleep is an example of such a character. Clever, yet no Sherlock Holmes Marlowe takes on cases with right(a) old fashion leg work and tenacity. Such is the charge things are done in the real world, where all Hardboiled novels take place. The Big Sleep is no except ion. A parkland theme often portrayed in Hardboiled novels is that of corruption.This corruption is often seen through the eyes of the protagonist, who is ordinarily cynical and jaded because of which. The real world in The Big Sleep is a post WW1 Los Angeles, right around the succession of the great depression. The effects of this time in history are clearly illustrated in many of characters represented in The Big Sleep. Here we have a world of money athirst(p) commonwealth, who will do anything to escape such realities. This is how corruption starts. Everyone is dirty politicians takes bribes, police can be bought and newspapers lie.People no longer have faith in shiny futures, so they do what they have do to survive. In this sort of world, characters like Philip Marlowe are rare. At 25$ a day, Marlowe works for cheap, proving that he is above the common desire of wealth. Marlowe is depicted as man full of integrity and honor, and works simply because he feels its the right t hing to do. However, such a stemma requires him to delve into the all too real word, and so corruption is no stranger to him. Because of this, Marlowe is often jaded towards those he meets, and tends to expect the wipe up of people.However, this doesnt hindrance him from doing what he feels is right, even if he feels that those he helps dont deserve it. The plot of The Big Sleep revolves around a family that has become prosperous overdue an advantageous connection with oil. Marlowe is hired by General Sternwood, a bed ridden oil baron, who although is not free from corruption, has some honest qualities. The general tasks Marlowe with the task of discovering the whereabouts of Terrance Reagan, married man of the Generals daughter, Vivian Reagan. Here is where we find another common theme in Hardboiled novels, that is, the depiction of the rich.While most of America at the time is suffering due to the depression, some, such as the Sternwoods, are doing very well. However, we come to find that they too are suffering. Not physically, of course, but psychologically. It is not uncommon for Hardboiled novels to depict the rich as spoiled and often morally absent. Carmen Sternwood, for example, has grown up having everything she could possibly want, yet this leads her to becoming prone to drinking, drugs, and sexual port. Since their money was not earned, the Generals Daughters do not have the same revere for money as their father who earned does.Hence, they are prone to wasting their money on trivial pursuits and negative outlets. Instant gratification is their main concern. The apposition of the rich is best displayed with the imagery of the old and dirty abandoned oil pumps that make the General rich in the first place. Although the exterior display of the rich is that of cleanliness (clean house, cars, clothes, etc), their truer and deeper nature is closer to that of the oil fields, dirty and desolate. It is ironic that the General, owner of the money and the closest in the family to any form of morality, is bed ridden an unable to utilize his fortune.Again, emphasizing the unworthiness of the rich. Despite the unworthiness of the rich, Detective Marlowe still agrees to help them. Although they may be unworthy of recusing, Marlowe still feels the need to rescue them, and in that way Marlowe is slimly of a Shinning Knight archetype. This is hinted towards the beginning of the novel when Marlowe stares in the stain glass window which shows a knight rescuing a lady. In a way, Marlowe is tasked with saving them from the out-of-door corruption (The blackmail of Eddie Mars) of the world and the internal corruption the daughters grew up with.Marlowe maintains his knight hood by always taking the high road, and refusing to give into the seductive and nymphomanic behavior of Carman, who is constantly throwing herself at him. Detective Marlowe is very successful because of his Knights Code, and will even continue towards the truth even when he is not being paid. Marlowes tenacity for the truth takes him deeper and deeper into the dirty underworld of Los Angeles where he finds all different sorts of scum. Here we find two types of Criminal, the petty and the big time. The petty criminal is Joe Brody. Joe represents a causality of society.He isnt one to go around killing people, in fact if things were better in the world he might have made an honest man of himself. Brody is no crime lord he can barely feed himself as he puts it Ive been shakingtwo nickels unneurotic for a month, trying to getthemtomate. Eddie Mars, however, is a different man entirely. Eddie is at the top, the summation of corruption, and the direct opposite of everything that Marlow represents. As Marlowe puts it, You think hes just a gambler. I think hes a pornographer, a blackmailer, a hot car broker, a killer by remote control, and a suborner of crooked cops.Hes whatever looks good to himhe never killed anybody, he just hires it done. A character like Joe Brody represents what happens to good people under bad influences, whereas Eddie represents the bad influence itself. One way Hardboiled novels communicate to the reader is through use of the weather and setting. In movies, it is often the music that adds dramatic flair, but in books, authors must rely on visual imagery. In The Big Sleep, for example, thunder and rain is mentioned before many of the major plot happenings.The darkness of rainclouds and cold of rain is symbolic of what Marlowe is going though as he treads through the underworld of LA, search for the truth. If you really pay attention, you might notice that pleasant weather is also used for the plot, a symbol that worst of things are over or at least getting better. Although the Major themes of this book are that of corruption and cynicism, there are also good vs. immorality themes. A way of saying that no matter how bad things are there is always hope in the form of characters like Philip Marlowe.There are p eople out there are willing to do what is right despite the consequences these action might inflict upon themselves. We call these types of people heroes, and I believe it is primary(prenominal) for people like Raymond Chandler to write about characters like Detective Marlowe, especially considering the era that he wrote it in. When the world around you is dark, depressive, and inhospitable, it is important to have something or psyche to idolize. Characters like Philip Marlowe help support the idea that you can still succeed with an honest heart.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Is Your Beauty More Important Than Your Health? Essay
Is your beauty more important than your health? How much atomic number 18 you willing to pay for the price of beauty?In our day, many of us spend tones of money on beauty products to look better, but unfortunately sometimes the short-term look is not worth the vast-term damage that such products can do to our skin. You expect the food for thought you buy to be safe, and there are huge public outcries when it isnt, yet the same demanding standarts are not universally applied to cosmetic companies.Recently ,people have been more aware of the food they consume. The food companies, which realized this sensitivity of consumers started to be honest and open to public with the ingredients they use in their products. After learning about the ingredients, people tend to consume more organic foods and foods that have more unsaturated substances than saturated. But the big question is this, if the people are so sensitive with their food intake, why dont they have the same awareness for the products they use for their physical appearance?Many products that women use in our day, contain chemicals that endanger their health in a long period. The government surveys the beauty industry but it does not approve the products before they are sold in stores. Cosmetic companies are only required to contestation needed ingredients in their products, not the by products that could have been manifest during manufacturing. You may think that natural, organic or hypo-allergic products are healthier and not harmful as other manufactured chemicals, but there are no precepts for them too. The companies are allowed to add any ingredients they wish for, and any kind of label on the parcel of land that withstands them selves. Beauty products certify users to commerce with over 126 chemicals that are not tested, aside with legal and known ingredients.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Donald Duk Essay
Donald Duk is the story of a young man coming to terms of his identity as an Ameri washbowl with Chinese descent and heritage. Donald felt that most Americans are prejudiced against Chinese so if he were to become American, he should reject his Chinese identity. Yet, at home, his parents as well detest American culture. He began to be interested of his Chinese heritage because of the Central Pacific Railroad, which is a part of the Transcontinental Road built in general by the Chinese immigrants.Upon reading Donald Duk, the interesting points of research include the immigration of Chinese to the United States, the reaction of Americans to immigration as well as the institution of racism and the way in which new generations of Chinese-Americans deal with issues of culture and identity. Outline for the Paper I. Reactions and thoughts on Donald Duk A. Responses to Donald Duk B. Literary Value of Donald Duk II. Issues Dealt with by Donald Duk A. Identity Crisis B. Chinese immigration C. Racism in the United StatesConclusion How young Chinese-Americans in the United States Deal with identity and cultural issues. Annotated Bibliography Chao, R. K. (2003). Extending Research on the Consequences of Parenting Style for Chinese Americans and European Americans. Child Development, 72 (6), 1832-1843. Chinese parents do not know how to deal with the pressures and identity problems that beset their children. This journal article explores the issue and provides helpful recommendation for Chinese-American families. Chin, K. (1999). opprobrious Chinese Clandestine Immigration to the United States.New York Temple University Press. This book chronicles the history of Chinese immigration to the United States. What the immigrants did in the US and how they were brought there. This book can help provide background information about Chinese immigration. Chinese American Citizens Alliance. (2008). 65th Anniversary of Repeal of Chinese Exclusion Act. Retrieved 9 February 2009 from http//www. cacanational. org/. The Chinese Americans Citizens Alliance is a good source of facts and data concerning the experiences of Chinese Americans in contemporary United States.In addition to this, they may also have diachronic background and further information, which may serve as primary data for research. Rothstein, E. (2008). Museum Review Seattle Asian Museum Moves Around the Corner and Into Its Identity. The New York Times, May 31, 2008. Retrieved 8 Feb 2009 http//www. nytimes. com/2008/05/31/arts/design/31muse. html? scp=2&sq=chinese%20american%20identity&st=cse. This museum review presents some information about Chinese and their role in the development of Seattle. The museum and the article, too, helps one comprehend the accomplishments of Chinese and Asians in the United States.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Directing Richard III
Shakespeares King Richard the Third deals with the theme of corruption by ambition. The play is designed to depict the tragic and rapid downf exclusively of an grievous manipulator who murders, lies, and deceives in order to further his lust for power. Due to the fact that Elizabethan drama moves at a decidedly slower place than roughly modern stories, any modern director of King Richard the Third, who wanted to hold the interest of contemporary auditory modalitys might choose to trim or even use up some of the long monologues that are a part of the original play.A good example of where a monologue might be cut is the scuttle monologue of the play, which is both rhetorically sublime and deservedly famous. In the opening monologue, Richard, who is still the Duke of Gloster, and not yet King, delivers a ghosting, expository soliloquy to the audience where he reveals the established motives for the terrible crimes he will soon commit. After lamenting peace and proclaiming that h e is not a lover, Richard says And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover/ To make these fair well-spoken days/ I am determined to prove a villain/ And hate the idle pleasures of these days. (Richard III, 1-1)However, for a modern audience, this exposition is whole unnecessary and, in fact, the suspense of the play would seem to build in an even more starling fashion if Richard did not so overtly express his motives and the audience was made to determine the motives as best they could for themselves as the play develops. The following circumstance between Richard and Anne, one of the closely intense and moving scenes in all of literature, in my opinion, forwards enough of Richards essentially sociopathic personality and delivers enough information concerning his motives to power as the opening scene.Due to the erotic element of the Richard and Anne scene, the deletion of the opening monologue would foster a very powerful sense of acceleration and suspense. Another scene which m ight be beneficial to cut would be the scene between Richard and Queen Elizabeth here Richard admits to having killed her sons. This scene mirrors the earlier scene between Richard and Anne and is meant to reveal Richard as being as manipulative and persuasive as the discommode himself.However, I feel that the scene is somewhat redundant and, again, the information about Richard and aspects of his character development which are integral to this scene are expressed elsewhere, most clearly in those scenes which seem to intimate that Richard is if not the devil literally in league with the devil. To further accelerate the plot and to further heighten suspense, these impalpable references to black-magic, devils, and the black arts could be magnified.These elements are part of Shakespeares original play, but they were originally created with a feeling for the sensibilities of an Elizabethan audience. For a modern audience the elements of puckishness and black magic would have to be exaggerated. One way to do this would be to literally include obvious elements of the wizard(prenominal) ghosts, demons, and perhaps even succubi and phantoms who haunt Richard and who inhabit his macabre England.Such a portrayal would also forward the plays theme of raging, damning ambition by demonstrating how a single persons dark-vision could unleash terrible, in fact, supernatural power over an entire nation. In cases of the cult-of-personality, such a dynamic is present even if it is not literally based in the supernatural. The supernatural, however, offers a expectant way to symbolize the power of demagogues and ambitious leaders that make stark and dramatic statements possible. All in all, if I were directing King Richard the Third I would change very little from Shakespeares original play.The reason that I would choose to keep the play as close to the original as possible is because I feel the play is already a single, harmonious whole which can be rightly considered one of the greatest tragedies in the English language. I am willing to concede that modern audiences may need a swifter-moving plot and a few embellishments like obvious black magic and devils, but in the long run, Shakespeares original vision and his original language would still probably prove to be very compelling, memorable, and cathartic for any audience.
Hamletââ¬â¢s and Laertesââ¬â¢ Revenge: Which One Seems More Justified Essay
When whiz does an intentional (or even unintentional) act to the detriment of another, the aggrieved party or his or her be intimated ones may vow for vengeance against the perpetrator of the act. It has always been the kind of emotion that causes a person to feel hatred, show hostility, and display aggressive behavior, revealing the worst of him or her. punish washbowl sometimes be bitter and relentless, but some people also call it sweet and fulfilling at times. Thus, it has been a common theme and concept in literature. The world of literature has been flooded with numerous historys about penalize and its consequences.Although most of these stories are tragic and melodramatic, they have nonetheless created a remarkable impact on the readers intelligence about the reality and nature of strike back. Shakespeare has been proven by history itself to be a one-of-a-kind literary workman who was able to launch and create many successful tragic plays about revenge. One of his mo st normal plays about this emotion is that of the life of village, the prince of Denmark. In this play, hamlet found several reasons to kill and to make a lot of people suffer collectable to the death of his beloved convey who was mercilessly murdered.However, in the play, in that location is another character who had the resembling reason to of taking revenge Laertes, whose mother was killed by Prince small town himself, and whose babe killed herself because of the sorrow brought by their fathers death. Considering Hamlets and Laertes vow for vengeance, it can be inferred that although they twain share the same reason for being revengeful, scarcely Hamlets revenge appears to be excusable in the sense that he knew the uprightness behind his fathers death, whereas Laertes was blinded by Claudius lies and took revenge upon the maltreat person.Hamlets RevengeThe cause of death of Prince Hamlets father was in reality unknown to the entire kingdom. After his fathers deat h, his uncle Claudius married his mother and took over the throne. It was only when the temper of his father appeared in front of them when the real reason of his death was unfolded. The ghost revealed that it was actually the ambitious Claudius himself, the pal of Hamlets father, who killed him in order to put the entire kingdom as well as his wife in his possession.Angered by the ill-fate of his father and the unforgivable, abusive, and unsportsmanlike actions of his uncle Claudius, Hamlet vowed to take revenge on Claudius in order to give his fathers horrible death its due jurist. The knowledge of his fathers murder and of his mothers betrayal of her wedding vows with Hamlets father fill up him with so much anger and vengeful spirit, as clearly reflected in the following linesOh God A beast that wants discourse of reasonWould have mournd longer married with mine uncle,My fathers brother but no more like my fatherThan I to Hercules. Within a month,Ere yet the salt of most unr ighteous tearsHad left the flushing in her galld eyes. (1.2.150-155)This was the acquire of his revenge. After this point, he almost went mad with all the thoughts that kept running inside his head. He was lacerated between morality and his revengeful feeling towards his uncle and those people who betrayed his deceased father. However, if one would look closely and probe Hamlets revenge, although it may look relentless and heartless, it all boils down to the fact that Hamlet effected that his father, whom he loved so much, had been mercilessly killed for selfish reasons.His anger as a son can completely be understandable since readers would be able to understand that a sons love for his father will always be immeasurable. To think that Hamlet did all he could to be at the least careful of not punishing innocent people, it can be said that he neer aimed to do worse things than avenging his fathers death.Laertes RevengeJust like the reason behind Hamlets aggressive revenge, Laerte s also lost two of his love ones. That is why, in a fit of rage, he fearlessly faced Hamlet whom he believed was the sole reason behind the loss of his family. His father, Polonius, was accidentally killed by Hamlet who mistakenly identified him as Claudius, while Opehlia, Laertes sister, died by drowning herself into a river due to the unbearable tribulation caused by his fathers death. Thus, just like Hamlet, Laertes was crushed by the incidents, and he felt the same kind of anger and pain just like what Hamlet felt.However, recalling how Laertes got hostile towards Hamlet, it can be observe that Claudius made him believe that Hamlet was to blame for his fathers and sisters deaths. Hence, brokenhearted at that time and naturally vulnerable and helpless in that condition, Laertes was easily convinced and moved by Claudius words. Thus, he started to feel that overwhelming anger and drive to kill Hamlet regardless of what ways or exercise he had to go through. The events which occ urred next were a series conspiracies and plots that Laertes made in order to bring Hamlet down.He also went to Claudius to seek help and advice as to how to kill his mortal opponent. His mind was then foggy by Claudius deceiving words which allowed evil to close Laertes heart to anything and made him a relentless and merciless enemy of Hamlet. He also succumbed to the evil plans of Claudius that were designed to kill Hamlet in the surest of ways. Although Hamlet succeeded in cleansing Laertes first, he was still wounded by the sword covered with poison which immediately cut his glimmer shortly after Laertes fell to the ground. Thus, it may seem that the driving force behind Laertes revenge was the uselessness of Claudius.Unlike Hamlet, Laertes revengeful acts were pushed and encouraged by someone elses motives and intentions which were that of Claudius. As it appears, while Hamlet refractory on taking revenge on the people who brought upon his fathers death, Laertes, who wen t so weak to deception, was nonentity but Claudius dummy who did just what the deceitful character wanted, without knowing the truth behind the deaths of his loved ones.Which Revenge Appears More Justified?Upon exploring Hamlets and Laertes revenge, it appears clearly that both of them felt anguished and pained due to the death of their loved ones. The death of Hamlets dear father was so cruel and unjust that he himself felt that he should do what he can to make his fathers murderers compensation for the crime that they committed. On the other hand, the reason behind Laertes revenge was merely fed by Claudiuss lies who wanted to eradicate Hamlet as his opponent from the kingdom.It clearly implies that Laertes revenge was pushed through by deceitful and selfish reasons which covered his eyes from seeing the truth behind his familys death. With this, it can be right to say that Hamlets revenge is more justified in the sense that he knew the truth that his father has been murdered a nd therefore, justice must make the murderers pay for their crime, while in Laertes case, he had been so weak to deception that his anger and hostile treatment of Hamlet had no real and true basis. The tale which made him so angry had been fabricated by Claudius lies which made him fight for the wrong reasons and kill the wrong person.However, in whatever ways revenge is justified by others, it is still unacceptable to me since no one must take justice in his or her own hands. To fulfill their vengeance, Hamlet and Laertes had to hold justice in their hands, but as it appears, a person can easily be deceived therefore, ones revenge can always be misled, just like what happened to Laertes. Hamlets revenge only appears justifiable as he knew the truth completely. Thus, although Hamlet and Laertes shared similar reasons behind their revenges, only Hamlets revenge appears to be justifiable in this context.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Cyber Bullying Essay
Walking through the direct door, she feels the childbed dripping down the side of her cheeks. Her stomach flips and flops, and her hands progress to an obvious tremble. The slamming lockers and running footsteps are full to make her eyes swell with tears. The snickers behind her are all too familiar, but she is not prompt for the shove to the back and degrading names that follow. In a split second, her mind is made up. She turns around, heads expose the door, and doesnt look back. The computer, her cell phone, and now school.The cyber-bullies have stepped out(p) of the screen and into face-to-face contact. With this new manikin of bully on the rise and ruthless, is she the schools responsibility? Schools should be held responsible for cyber determent because the plague extends from the computer to the school setting. Studies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being piece of musiced. Love is louder has been a common phrase among celebrities and prestigious figures lately.They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologies is widening the way bullys apprise torture their dupes. The fact of the matter is, technology is not going anywhere, so we requisite to figure out a way to put an end to cyber-bullies. Cyber-bullying is becoming a major problem and we all need to do our parts in figuring out what kitty be done to stop cyber-bullies in their tracks.Cyber-bullies will continue to be a threat to todays youth until we take nixive measures against them. Before putting a stop to cyber-bullying we must understand why and how a cyber-bully works. After researching and analyzing informative articles on the topic, this research root aims to inform and answer questions such as what a cyber-bully is, how they work, whom they tar substantiate, and how to stop them. By understanding how a cyber-bully works we will be able to better protect youth populations as technology grows.Approximately half of U. S. bookmans are impacted by traditional bullying apiece school day (Ross). Cyber-bullying is technology powered and as technology expands it is getting harder and harder to see and prevent bullying from happening. ballyrag over the cyberspace makes it easy for the tormenter to get away with their destructive mien without any consequences. The article, What is Cyberbullying bully Comes inhabitancy states, Bullying is not new but thanks to the Internet teens are now being bullied at home.Online harassment is a serious problem (Hardcaslte). Although the Internet has opened many doors to new opportunities, it has unluckily taken bullying to another level. As the article, Cyber Bullying Facts states, as the number of households w ith Internet access approaches saturation and cell phone ownership expands to the 100 million mark, so do the ways kids bully each other (Ross). Anything sent out into cyberspace is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to remove.Therefore, being cyber-bullied can sometimes be a great deal more severe than traditional bullying. Ann Frisen in the article, Cyber-bullying A Growing Problem states, This type of bullying can be more serious than conventional bullying. At least with conventional bullying the victim is left alone on evenings and weekends (ScienceDaily). What exactly is cyber-bulling? The power of the article, What is Cyberbullying Bullying Comes Home explains it as, any harassment that occurs via the Internet (Hardcastle).Cyber-bulling messages can be communicated through text, e-mails, instant messaging, web pages, blogs, chat rooms, or any other schooling communication technologies. For fount, myocardial infarctions assistant attorney general, who is a grown adult, has been harassing the University of Michigans openly gay student body president. Andrew Shirvell, assistant Michigan attorney general, created a blog in April of 2010 targeting Chris Armstrong, University of Michigans student body president.On this blog he has posted many rude, untrue, and unnecessary comments towards Chris Armstrong, on with distorted pictures. According to the article, Assistant Michigan AG targets openly gay college student the author states, Shirvell has make blog posts that accuse Armstrong of engaging in flagrant knowledgeable promiscuity with another male ingredient of the student government sexually seducing and influencing a previously conservative male student so much so that the student, according to Shirvell, morphed into a proponent of the radical homosexual agenda (Steward). Mr.Shirvell is clearly a first-hand example of a cyber-bully and this article goes to show that its not unless kids bullying each other in school anymore its much bigger tha n that. There have been at least trine teen suicides in September after experiencing homophobic cyber-bullying. Who are the main victims targeted by cyber-bullies? According to the article, Cyber-bullying Facts spunk school and High school girls are twice as likely as boys to display cyber-bullying behaviors in the form of email, text, and chat, and unaccompanied 20% of cyber-bullying victims recognise their parents about the incident (Ross).Cyber-bullies target students, coworkers, neighbors, and even friends. Lately, there have been many reports of suicides related to bullying. For example, the recent death of Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers University, is an extreme case of cyber-bullying. The article, Rutgers student death Has Digital Age made students callous informs, Mr. Clementi killed himself on September 22nd, 2010. According to prosecutors, a hardly a(prenominal) days earlier his roommate, Dharun Ravi, and another student, Molley Wei, used a Web cam to secretly transmit images of a sexual encounter between Clementi and another man.They intended to do so again on September 21 (Khadaroo). With cyber-bullying a bully can pick on people with less risk of being caught. raft who you would not see bullying someone in school dont have a problem using the Internet to bully their victims because you cant see their initial reaction. Bullying cannot only hurt the victim emotionally it can also cause them to have frequent headaches, indigestion and vomiting, detriment of sleep, loss of appetite, paranoia, and suicide.In Tyler Clementis case he was so overwhelmed by what had been done to him that he jumped finish of the George-Washington Bridge. It is important for college campuses to promote tolerance for differences, including homosexuality. From the article, Rutgers student death Has Digital Age made students callous the author states, We are tempted to think that social-media technology drove the behavior, but as a truly ethical matter, the behav ior has to be and should be considered human-driven, not technology driven (Foulkrod).Harrisburg University of Science and Technology in pascal recently blocked the use of social media for a week to prompt discussions about its role in everyday life. Nobody wants to see this happen again therefore, we need to come up with a dissolvent to the problem. Some observers of todays youth and media culture believe that todays media environment could be desensitizing young people to the hurtful effects of their actions. What can be done to prevent cyber-bullying? Parents can start by talking specifically about yber-bullying and explain that is unhealthful and unacceptable behavior.Talk regularly with your child about on-line activities he or she is involved in, keep your home computer in easily viewable places, such as a family room or kitchen, and consider installing a filtering or blocking system (Ross). Also, you can outline your expectations for responsible online behavior and clearl y explain the consequences for contrary behavior (Ross). The most important thing that can be done to stop a cyber-bully harassing you is to just not respond to the bully.Do not play into the bullys games. Ignore the bully and tell a parent or teacher. While ignoring the bullying make sure to save all of the curtilage so that if police need to be involved you will have it ready. In the article, What is Cyberbullying Bullying Comes Home states, Repeated or excessive harassment via email, forums or chat rooms is harassment and should involve the police. Threats of force should also be reported to the police. Try to save all messages as evidence (Hardcastle). Treat a cyber-bully like you would any other bully and they will lose their power.Another important way to prevent cyber-bullying attacks is if you see something going on dont just be a bystander and let it happen, report it before anyone gets hurt. In conclusion, with the expansion of the Internet and social networking technol ogies cyber-bullying is becoming more common and more severe. The data presented in this research paper should give people a better understanding of what a cyber-bully is, how harmful they can receivedly be, and how to prevent cyber-bullying from happening. This paper can be used to help victims realize they are not alone and should not give into a bullys dangerous behaviors.This research paper is to inform society about what has been going on lately and how unacceptable and dangerous it is. Kids are cleanup spot themselves over photos, web posts, and videos posted by bullies using the Internet. Cyber-bullying is technology powered and will only get worse as technology becomes more widespread. Hopefully, this paper will help to inform todays youth and parents. If you see any kind of bullying happening in front of you, stop it if possible, and and so report it. Conclusion Cyberbullying is a growing issue in schools.Students have been in fights, brought guns to school, and even at tached suicide because of being cyberbullied. This is an issue which is a growing problem and must be addressed. It is serious. By help students research the issues around cyberbullying, it raises awareness for both students and staff. A WebQuest like this can make a real difference in school climate and student relations. Take a stand against cyberbullying with your classmates. Students will get wind to other students more quickly than they will listen to an adult.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Assignment of Organisation
Explore organisational structure and culture LO2 (3. 2) screen contrary approaches to commission and lead and theories of organisation LO3 (3. 3) Examine the blood between motivational theories LO4 (3. 4) Demonstrate an understanding of working with others, teamwork, groups and group dynamics. P1 (3. 1. 01) Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture P2 (3. 1. 02) Analyse the relationship between an organisations structure and culture and the effects on business performance P3 (3. 1. 03) Analyse the factors which influence individual behaviour at work P4 (3. 2. 1)Analyse how organisational theory underpins principles and practices of organising and of management P5 (3. 2. 02) Compare the different approaches to management and theories of organisation used by two organisations P6 (3. 3. 01) Discuss different leadership styles and the effectiveness of these leadership approaches P7 (3. 3. 02) Explain the different motivational theories and their applicatio n at heart the workplace P8 (3. 3. 03) Assess the relationship between motivation theory and the practice of management P9 (3. 4. 01) describe the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations P10 (3. 4. 2) Investigate the factors that lead to effective teamwork and the influences that threaten success P11 (3. 4. 03) Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organisation
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Purpose of Social Studies in Schools
What is societal studies? * Social studies is the integrated depicted object of favorable sciences and humanities to promote civic competence. Social studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawn upon much(prenominal) disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion and sociology as well as a subdue content from the humanities and natural sciences. The goals of friendly studies 1. Fostering attitudes and identifying look ons Values atomic number 18 ends or ideas which are held by a person.They are the standards or codes which direct our actions. Attitudes are directly derived from values. Our values determine how we behave, distri moreoverively person or fellowship have several(predicate) values. The teaching of positive values is authorized because it teaches children to value themselves and excessively their environment. Children copies values from the populate slightly them mos tly adults. Dis leaning good attitudes will teach children value for truth, respect for truth, reasoning, enquire and freedom to make choices. . Developing skills Developing skills protagonists individual to understanding the macrocosm around them and function them to cope with it. This skill dish outs individuals develop proper problem solving skills. It is important for citizens to have information or fact about where they live and the good plenteousness in their environment. This will help them to understand major issues in their local, national and global communities. There are two types of skills to be developed, intellectual skills and genial skills.The skills of critical intellection (intellectual skills) provides for Grasping the meaning of a statement or action, Separating fact from fiction/opinion, Assessing the relevance of the facts, Assessing the reliability to the facts, judicial decision whether sufficient information is available, Finding out what factors i nfluence the situation, Recognizing all possible actions that could be taken, Deducting the possible and decision making which the best solution is. Social skills are human-relations skills which are requisiteed for effective functioning of a group.They implicate a concern for the feelings of others in the group and can be taught effectively by group start experiences which require participants To cooperate with others to achieve common goals, To practice reaching consensus, To willingly explain and support their viewpoint, To acquit disagreement in a friendly way, to listen to and seriously consider the suggestions of others, to develop empathy with other people and to develop self-discipline and responsibility 3. Establishing knowledge and understandingEvery person living in a country need to have canonic information or facts about the society they live in or in other words the world they live in. This is the bindingground for understanding their own experiences. The learne r will tackle strategies to analyze, interpret, create, and use resources and materials. Knowledge and understanding of the past enable us to analyze the causes and consequences of events and readings, and to place these in the stage practiseting of the institutions, values and beliefs of the periods in which they took place.Study of the past makes us aware of the ways in which human beings have viewed themselves, their societies and the wider world at different periods of time. There are a few objectives Use map and globe translation skills, Interpret graphs and charts, Detect bias, Interpret social and political messages of cartoons and Interpret history through artifacts, arts, and media. 4. Promoting social connection Social studies are primarily concerned with preparing citizens who are equipped with the knowledge and possess the skills to recruit in affairs of society.In our Jamaican society we have a parliamentary system, it is important for every eligible citizen to participate in the election of our leader. The knowledge contained in social studies programmes provides pupils with information, develop the understanding they will need to bidding these roles a adults and to make reasoned and informed decisions. At the same time, the activities and experience provided in the programmes enable the schooling of a range of values attitudes and skills such as reading and study skills as well as intellectual and social skills.Knowledge, values, attitudes and skills are necessary for active participation in civic affairs. These skills provide the touch among knowledge and values and attitudes which make participatory action possible. Justify the place of social studies in the primary school curriculum. Personally I think social studies are out on the back burner too often more emphasis should be place on this subject area. Social studies help children to develop their identity. The study of individual development and identity will help students to d escribe factors important to the development of personal identity.They will explore the influence of peoples, places, and environments on personal development. Students will hone personal skills such as demonstrating self-direction when working towards and accomplishing personal goals, and making an effort to understand others and their beliefs, feelings, and convictions. I believe social studies should be part of the curriculum for the purpose of helping students understand human interactions that occurred in the past, and occurring now, and that are belike to occur in the future.The reasons for these understandings is to help students develop and nurture values that will make it more probable that they will be able to determine for both situation what the right thing is and do it, specially when the right thing is hard to do. Since we live in a society, having a deep knowledge of society helps a person to be a better citizen to any country. For the younger generation to grow u p to become humane, it is important that the generation is exposed to different societies.It is necessary to show them differences in lifestyles that people around the world have. Learning how to apply civic ideals as part of citizen action is essential to the exercise of egalitarian freedoms and the pursuit of the common good. Through social studies programs, students borrow a historical and contemporary understanding of the basic freedoms and rights of citizens in a democracy, and learn about the institutions and practices that support and protect these freedoms and rights, as well as the important historical documents that articulate them.Students also need to become familiar with civic ideals and practices in countries other than our antiauthoritarian republic Children need to be exposed to various social aspects of mankind and made to understand the different aspects of social behavior. It is necessary to make children realize their duty towards society. Social studies are a n important subject because of its chief(prenominal) purpose, creating good citizen. It aims at creating educated individuals who can grow up to be responsible citizen of their nation.The study of social studies intends to build creative, caring and courteous human beings out of children. Teaching our children social studies increase the possibility of their congruous knowledgeable individuals. Teaching them social studies increases chances that they will adhere to ethical and moral values in their life, for positively contributing members of their communities. We want children to gain the ability to become independent in every aspect. We most for certain want children to be knowledgeable about the world they live in.This goal of developing good citizen is vast, but so is the impact we as teachers will have on children in adulthood. It is through the teaching of social studies that we can shape our students into citizens worthy of respect. The knowledge contained in social studie s provides children with information, develop the understandings they will need to play these roles as adults and to make reasoned and informed decisions. It develops values, attitudes and skills such as reading and studying, as well as intellectual and social skills.In the early grades, students are introduced to civic ideals and practices through activities such as helping to set classroom expectations, examining experiences in relation to ideals, participating in mock elections, and determining how to balance the needs of individuals and the group. During these years, children also experience views of citizenship in other times and places through stories and drama. By the middle grades, students expand their knowledge of democratic ideals and practices, along with their ability to analyze and evaluate the relationships between these ideals and practices.They are able to see themselves taking civic roles in their communities. The study of people, places, and environments enables u s to understand the relationship between human populations and the physical world. Students learn where people and places are located and why they are there. They examine the influence of physical systems, such as climate, die hard and seasons, and natural resources, such as land and water, on human populations.They study the causes, patterns and effects of human elimination and migration, learn of the roles of different kinds of population centers in a society, and investigate the impact of human activities on the environment. This enables them to acquire a useful basis of knowledge for informed decision-making on issues arising from human-environmental relationships. Another purpose of this subject is to help children deal with problems. Todays children are faced with a lot of problems in schools and in their homes. Children are being abused and subjected to domestic violence.Children are in gangs and on drugs. These are some of the challenges children have to deal with in their everyday lives. The ability of problem solving is probably the most important skill any person should have. Children will also be more capable of making wise decisions. Young learners fix by prioritizing their economic wants vs. needs. They explore economic decision-making as they compare their own economic experiences with those of others and consider the wider consequences of those decisions on groups, communities, the nation, and beyond.In the middle grades, learners expand their knowledge of economic concepts and principles, and use economic reasoning processes in addressing issues related to original economic questions. Most people think of history when they think of social studies. level plays a thumping role in social studies. History examines the forces of change and continuity. Its study enables us to understand the relationship between the present and the past and the mistakes and the triumphs that this world that this world has been through. Students are required to learn about the past in order to provide them with a context for todays society and current events. As the ordinary Jamaican term goes you have to know where you are coming from to know where you are going. History lessons also provide students with valuable role models such as Martin Luther King. These are just some of the wideness or social studies in the curriculum. Social studies course work 1 1. Introduction.. 2. What is social studies? (3).. 3. break and discuss the goals of social studies? (12).. 4. Justify the place of social studies in the primary school curriculum. (10). 5. Reference..
Friday, May 17, 2019
958 The Impact of Mergers & Acquisitions on IT Governance Structures A Case carry Pauline O. Chin Florida Atlantic University, USA George A. Brown Technologies Consultant, Jamaica Qing Hu Florida Atlantic University, USA Chapter 2. 32 ABSTRACT Developing information technology (IT) political science structures within an government has eer been challenging. This is particularly the case in organizations that have achieved growth through and through mergers and acquisitions.When the acquired organizations are geographically located in different regions than the host enterprise, the factors affecting this integration and the choice of IT governance structures are quite different than when this blank space does not exist. This study performs an exploratory examination of the factors that affect the choice of IT governance structures in organizations that grow through mergers and acquisitions in maturation countries using the results of a case study of an international telecommunica tions company.We find that in concomitant to the commonly recognized factors such as government regulation, competition and market stability, organizational culture, and IT competence, top heeds predisposition toward a specific business strategy and governance structure can deeply influence the choice of IT governance in organizations. Managerial implications are discussed. Copyright 2008, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. The Impact of Mergers & Acquisitions on IT Governance StructuresInTRoduCTIon The business environment has baffle increasingly complex and competitive due to the rapid advances in technology and world(prenominal)ization of the world parsimoniousness over the last two decades. In order to survive and to compete on a global scale, organizations have sought to increase their market share through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) both locally and internationally. In a publication by the Bure au of Census (2002) on mergers and acquisitions in over 41 industries for the year 1998, it was describe that in that respect were 3,882 cases of U.S. companies acquiring other U. S. companies. These data also indicated that there were 483 cases of unlike companies acquisitions of U. S. companies at an estimated value of US $233 billion, and 746 cases of U. S. companies acquiring foreign companies at an estimated value of US $128 billion. The trend toward mergers and acquisitions has been clearly demonstrated within the telecommunications exertion worldwide (Oh, 1996 Ramamurti, 2000 Trillas, 2002 Wilcox et al. , 2001).Over the last several old age, telecommunications companies in North America, Europe, and Asia have looked toward acquisitions and mergers for their survival and growth. During the last decade there has been an increasing number of local and foreign investments in the industry (Oh, 1996 Ramamurti, 2000), due in general to the deregulation of the telecommunication s markets as well as the move toward total or partial privatization of telecommunications companies within developing regions (Gutierrez & berg, 2000 Melody, 1999).Foreign investments in developing countries within Latin America and the Caribbean have change magnitude tremendously over the last 20 years due largely to changes in the regulatory policies within these regions. Historically, companies in Latin America and the Caribbean were owned primarily by the local states. This changed dramatically in the mid-1980s to 1990s as the increasing economic and financial demands on the industry forced companies in the region to look toward foreign investments in order to stay competitive.Gutierrez and Berg (2000) reported that between the mid-1980s to mid-1990s, 14 out of the 24 telecommunications firms in the region privatized their companies. This strategy is also impute with setting into motion the current trend in a majority of the regions telecommunications companies toward increase d partial or total privatization (Gutierrez & Berg, 2000 Ramamurti, 2000). As a consequence of this massive privatization and merger-and-acquisition movement in the telecommunications industry, the character f IT in these organizations has changed significantly over the last decade. The traditional relationship of IT providing support services to separate departments within an organization has evolved into one where IT now plays a broader role in achieving the overall strategic goals of the organization via a focus on global enterprise-wide support that encompasses not only multiple departments, but oft different countries and cultures as well.As a result, IT governance in the dynamic and complex business environment has been pushed to the head of critical issues facing the management of these organizations, in spite of the fact that little research exists on IT governance that attempts to identify and explain the multiple factors that whitethorn affect the choice of IT governan ce structures in the context of mergers and acquisitions in developing regions.In order to address these issues, this article examines the evolution of a governance structure within a global telecommunications network organization, based on a framework developed from the extant literature on corporate and IT governance theories and practices. The article addresses the general research question In the process of integrating foreign subsidiaries into the host company, what are the factors that influence the choice of IT governance structure? The primary purpose of the article is to afford to a broader understanding 959 2 more pages are available in the full version of this document, which may be purchased using the Add to Cart button on the publishers webpage www. igi-global. com/chapter/impact-mergers-acquisitions-governancestructures/9761 Related Content Information and communicating Technology and Good Governance in Africa G. Onu (2007). Encyclopedia of Digital presidency (pp. 10 26-1034). www. irma-international. org/chapter/information-communication-technology-goodgovernance/11628/ Internet Voting embracement Technology in Electoral Processes Andru Riera, Jordi Sanchez and Laia Torras (2002).Electronic Government Design, Applications and Management (pp. 78-98). www. irma-international. org/chapter/internet-voting-embracing-technology-electoral/9997/ Identifying Barriers to e-Government Services for Citizens in Developing Countries An Exploratory Study Subhajyoti Ray (2011). International Journal of Electronic Government Research (pp. 79-91). www. irma-international. org/article/identifying-barriers-government-services-citizens/56100/ The State of Mobile Government in Turkey Overview, Policy Issues, and Future Prospects Mete Yildiz (2008).Electronic Government Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 236-248). www. irma-international. org/chapter/state-mobile-government-turkey/9708/ The Quicksilver Initiatives as a fabric for e-Government Stra tegy Design in Developing Economies Kelvin Joseph Bwalya, Tanya Du Plessis and Chris Rensleigh (2012). Handbook of Research on EGovernment in emerge Economies Adoption, E-Participation, and Legal Frameworks (pp. 605-623). www. irma-international. org/chapter/quicksilver-initiatives-framework-government-strategy/64874/
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Cross-Cultural Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
cross-cultural Management - Assignment ExampleMr. Keat also urged those who are interested in art and crafts and those who can pen to engage the government for grants to fund their projects aimed at promoting the Chinese culture. He pointed out that art is one of the study avenues of promoting a culture (Zengkun, 2013). The Singaporean Chinese Teachers Union president, Madam Lian Hwee Eng, implored the stakeholders to lower the restrictions barring a considerable number of students from pursuing Higher Chinese studies. She opined that it is chiefly through education that people can be able to fully understand their own culture and that of some others and that teachers play a central role and should be lauded for their efforts (Zengkun, 2013).Looking back at the event, I cannot help but get puzzled by the sentiments of the leaders addressing that forum advocating for the promotion of a single culture without a show of neutrality. Singapore is a multi-cultured republic which is in transition to develop a single national identity like the majority of other countries (Lee, 2010). This is largely due to the fact that most of the people occupying it are not the natives. The majority of the commonwealth had their ancestors migrate to Singapore from elsewhere in the world. According (2014), the Malays are the natives yet they comprise only 13.3% of the population. Typically, the Singaporean population is comprised of 74.2% Chinese, 13.3% Malays, 9.2% Indians and the rest 3.3% is made up of Eurasians (Lee, 2010). This cultural diversity is further compounded by the presence of many an(prenominal) expatriates in the country, most of whom are workers. It is alleged that 42% of the current population is made up of expatriates (Tamney, 1996). given over this complex cultural mix, in my opinion, it is only fair that nature be allowed to take its course. It is not castigate to promote one culture at the expense of others especially if the culture is a dominant one.Of
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Painters Keys Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Painters Keys Community - Essay ExampleThese may in all sound several(predicate) from each perspective such as a painter might non be adapted to play the piano nor dance and a musician might not be able to paint, sculpt, or dance, but this fact does not alter the fact about art forms being related to unmatchable another.Just when a dance cannot be possibly performed without a piece one that is a increase of rhythmic and melodic tune - music is a necessity for a dance performance. Hence, a musical comedy composer arranges his piece, which may be potentially used as a piece for a dance performance, era the choreographer relies his dance steps to the beat of the musical arranger. Likewise, a painter, a sculptor, and an architect, despite incongruity of their art forms, all agree towards the universal knowledge of lines, curves, and colors, which they use as a fundamental basis of their artwork. These are plainly few examples of how various artisans function as a whole.The so lid ground of arts takes a wide florilegium of forms in which people from various walks of life engage themselves for various reasons. One thing is certain though, that they sign on it for purposes of self- pictureion, entertainment, and appreciation enabling their rather drab existence become an artful and a less-menacing one. As artists express themselves through their artworks, they deliver a distinct essence of art appreciation rooted in business relationship and social interaction. All artworks are thus, a product of both individual and social perceptions in which the artist partakes in his social surrounding and reflects this through his art. His art, whatever form it is, reflects the human condition, the social trend, and the human pettishness at the time it was created. It is to this end that various artists function as a whole in the realm of the arts.Another unifying factor of various artists is the incessant intent of the arts towards appreciation. This is one of the fundamental functions of the arts, if not ultimate, embodied in every piece of work as the
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Influence of Demographic Characteristics on Leadership Practices Research Paper
The Influence of demographic Characteristics on Leadership Practices in the Hotel Industry - Research Paper ExampleThe rampant globalization of the worldwide market has caused significant growth in the diversity of employee demographics. In order to keep up with the ripening demands for quality and innovation, many organizations shed formulated new centering zeals that promote interdependence among the workforce (Gould, 2008). With the force of determining suitable management styles, various studies have been conducted on employee demographics and how it affects the slaying of an organization (Tannenbaum and Schmidt, 2009). There be several management styles that have its advantages and limitations. Such management styles address specific points of interest within the workforce. However, erupt understanding has to be garnered in order to properly impose management programs that best suits the needs of a company and its subordinates. Moreover, it is necessary to understand ho w to eliminate or at least minimize the negative personal effects of social differences within the workforce through proper management techniques.The effects of social differences among the workforce have caused organizations to suffer in terms of performance. Discrimination has also emerged from such growing employee diversity (Appleby, 2007). It has become a necessity for organizations to respond to such issues through effective management programs (Sfodera, 2006). Moreover, the results of this study would be of great pry to hotel management officers, enabling them to make better decisions in their management practices. Essentially, the management is the core to the successful performance of an organization (Tannenbaum and Schmidt, 2009). ... Research Objectives 1) To determine hotel employees perceptions of the leaders styles practiced within their organisation 2) To ascertain whether demographic traits curve leadership style perceptions a) gender b) age c) nationality d) educa tional attainment 3) To put forth recommendations for improving leadership practices within the hotel. Review of Related Literature Management Styles In the broad sense, management styles are the modal value and techniques of handling subordinates and making decisions with them. There are various management styles that fit well in special(prenominal) circumstances (Tannenbaum and Schmidt, 2009). Moreover, coach-and-fours should impose different management styles in order to compensate for the weaknesses of every technique. Among the common management styles are tyrantic, Paternalistic, Democratic, Laissez-Faire, and Management by Walking Around (MBWA) Autocratic The Autocratic style is where a director makes unilateral decisions without giving much consideration for the subordinates. This results to decisions and outcomes that reflect the personality and opinion of the manager. Such management style projects a confident, structured and well-managed business. However, the subordi nates may end up becoming too dependent on the manager thus, requiring more supervision (Hurley, 2010). Autocratic leaders could be further categorized into two types the Directive Autocrat and the Permissive Autocrat (Tannenbaum and Schmidt, 2009). The Directive Autocrat makes decisions unilaterally while giving much attention and resolve supervision of the subordinates. On the other hand, the Permissive Autocrat makes unilateral decisions while being more easygoing on the subordinates, which enables them to
Monday, May 13, 2019
Describle the signaling pathways responsible for regulating the Research Paper
Describle the signaling roadways responsible for regularisation the release of the pancreatic zymogens from the pancreatic acinar ce - Research Paper ExampleThe paper set offs the social movement of receptors and secretagogues that initiate the secretion of the zymogens. The main secreatagogues include the acetylcholine, cholecystokinin and other associated peptides. The paper also describes the mechanism of calcium ion signalling pathway in regulating secretion. Moreover, the paper provides details of the secretion mechanism, detailing all the mechanism and their economy. Regulation of the pancreatic campaign in the acinar cells is complex, and scientists are yet to describe all the mechanisms in depth. Intro channelion The run of the pancreas presents complex pathways. The organ exhibits both exocrine and ductless gland functions. The fact that the peculiar organ exhibits both of these function s has intrigued scientists to unveil the regulatory mechanism that govern its f unction. As expected, the organ has both neural and hormonal forms of regulation. Pancreatic duct cells secrete a combination of fluid and bicarbonate ions responsible for the neutralization of stomachal contents in the duodenum. Since this secretion involves a duct, it defines the exocrine function of the organ. On the other hand, the pancreas consists of four types of endocrine cells that secrete varying hormones. The alpha cells are responsible for glucagon secretion, while the beta cells produce insulin. In addition, in that respect is production of somatostatin from delta cells, and pancreatic polypeptide from PP cells. Structural studies of the pancreas indicate an assembly of the endocrine cells in the islets. This paper will highlight the regulatory mechanisms of the acinar cells responsible for the secretion of the juices that play a position in digestion. Acinar cells of the pancreas render the responsibility of synthesis and secretion of the numerous enzymes that aid i n digestion of nutrients in the small intestine lumen. The hypercritical function played by the digestive enzymes necessitates the availability of both short and long-term regulation. Such regulation serves to ensure a supply of the enzymes after food intake. The regulation process requires the availability of receptors and secretagogues that initiate the secretion process (Husain, and Thrower 466-7). Receptors and Secretagogues The primary secretagogues responsible for initiating secretions from acinar cells are acetylcholine and cholecystokinin (CCK) (Wu et al 642). The vagal postganglionic neurons are responsible for the release of acetylcholine. On the other hand, CCK comes from the intestinal endocrine cells. Moreover, secretin, a secretagogue for initiating secretion in duct cells also plays a critical role in the acinar cells. There are numerous receptors for hormones, addition factors, and neurotransmitters in the acinar cells. Studies reveal that activity on these recepto rs influence the secretion patterns of the acinar cells. CCK has the potential of activating CCK receptors on the vagal afferent endings. Scientists have described the mechanism responsible for this activation as paracrine. new(prenominal) studies have highlighted that CCK advances to the blood and exerts control on the contractile mechanisms of the gall bladder. This triggers emptying of the bladder. Animal studies have established that CCK receptors play a vital role in the acinar cells of rodents. However, studies are yet to confirm the role of the same in humans. In addition, the acinar cells exhibit effects of other peptides responsible for
Sunday, May 12, 2019
CONTRACT LAW ESSAY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
CONTRACT practice of law - Essay ExampleIn the case of Mark and JETS, it can be established that Mark coveted and needinessed the services offered by JETS, specifically, the provisions that (d) a Hamletjet 1000 must be available, and one of a list of designated pilots must be on call, 24 hours a day (e) all pilots will keep back a jet at the ready for clients use within 30 minutes of receiving a require from a client. Since the stipulations were clear, it is assumed that the offered services are vital and strictly followed by both scatteries and that any violation of the stipulation would render breach of contract or even economic loss on the part of Mark. In the instance that Mark needed a Hamletjet in February 11, and that immediately informed JETS about this need was part and covered by the contract. It is expected that in 30 minutes, the Hamletjet will be available for Mark. failure of the JETS to provide a transport for Mark is a breach of the stipulations. Inducing Brea ch of Contract chthonian the doctrine of substantial performance, Lord Mansfield indicated that in common law, it is a term in the contract that creates an tariff to be performed by one troupe to the contract, and subsequently, further obligation arises on the side of the other party (The Modern Law Review, 1975). The condition upon which the entire contract, or as a whole, becomes dependent on the conditions indicated on the contract, of which two had been violated by JETS in the disadvantage of Mark. It should be noned that no further bargain was taken after the failure to deliver on the part of JETS. Had the two parties Mark and JETS met and discussed to create a new agreement, the case could have taken the route of Hughes v Metropolitan Railway Co., of which Lord Cairns say that It is the first principle upon which all courts of equity proceed, that if parties, who have entered into definite and distinct terms involving certain good results, afterwards by their own act or with their own consent enter upon a itinerary of negotiation which has the effect of leading one of the parties to suppose that the strict rights arising under the contract will not be enforced, or will be kept in suspense, or held in abeyance, the person who differently might have enforced those rights will not be allowed to enforce them when it would be inequitable having opine to the dealings which have taken place between the parties (Hughes v Metropolitan Railway, 1877). Lord OHagan, on the same case mentioned, noted the failure of one party to oblige upon the agreement of both parties, to which, he commented, They entered into a covenant and if they have failed to fulfil their undertaking they must abide the results, however onerous, unless the circumstances excuse their default in the view of a Court of Equity. But if they acted, or failed to act, through a drift induced by the conduct of the Plaintiff if they were misled by it into the belief that his strict legal ri ght was prone or suspended for the time, he cannot be allowed to take advantage of the forfeiture which was so accomplished. In Lumley v Gye, it had been ruled out that liability depended upon the contracting party having committed an
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Whats Your Dangerous Idea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Whats Your Dangerous Idea - Essay ExampleCommon people or the governed want to be left on their own to manage their own affairs. On the new(prenominal) hand, the control classify or the elites are always seeking for a pretext such as war, genial dis show and poverty to increase their power over common people, hence, even in the aristocratic nation, 1 expects the ruled in defending their interests to delay the growth and development of centralized authority. Aristocracies or governments that repress class conflicts are always successful. For instance, countries such as ancient Rome and U.S became powerful and successful because her citizens were warlike and aggressive (Machiavelli 23). Politics and religion were distinct in the sense that people in ancient Rome were non godly and absolute in anyway but they are still in a incline to provide vital insight in how people operated. This is the platform and foundation of political thoughts, and how the society is to be planned and organized so that every individual benefits.My political theory offers a cure to the unhealthy politics in the sense that my interest in the conflicts in early societies is a reflection of my personalised concerns with current state which is rife with conflict. For instance, there was tension between the Italian bourgeois and the nobility, and the poor were excluded from other social classes in society. Therefore, with all these dissensions, someone has to emerge as a winner while some other as a loser. In such a case, the loser has to submit to the winner in order to establish social stability (Machiavelli 55).Politics is not similar to science because of the absence of absolute rules and regulations for how to make water and maintain authority. There are certain actions to be taken but not police to decisively and absolutely direct ad guide peoples actions. This is because contexts, time and situations transform. Therefore, the ruler or chairwoman will not remain
Friday, May 10, 2019
Chemistry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Chemistry - Essay ExampleIn this conformation thither is no steric strain and no torsional strain.Due to the migration of electrons towards the more electronegative nucleus in a impound between both different sections the atoms become polarized. In larger molecules a number of poles form and this causes some parts of the molecule to attract and some to repel each other. In the exclusivelyane molecule both ends of the molecule are rotating around the C-C bond and take different configurations (these are constantly changing.Steric strain is caused by the displace together of groups as explained above the groups are forced to approach each other till they touch, but because of their similar polarity they are under forces of repulsion also. This leads to the molecule possessing extra potential energy, this energy is called steric strain.a. In 1870, Markonikov laid down a basic principle of chemistry that holds till today. The Markonikov Rule states that when a atomic number 1 h alide (Hydrochloric acid, HCl being an example) reacts with an asymmetrically substituted alkene the hydrogen attaches itself to the carbon atom that has the larger number of its hydrogen atoms substituted. The halogen mechanically attaches itself to the carbon atom having the least number of its hydrogens substituted. An example of such an addition reactionb. Enantiomers are two molecules of the same chemical that are the mirror image of each other, like our hands, they are similar but yet not the same and can not be superimposed on each other. such(prenominal) molecules are called Enantiomers. They are not isomers and are not different from each other in every way except in their configuration.c. An Emperical formula gives the proportion of the constituent elements in the molecule but does not give the exact composition of the molecule. The empirical formula represents the mole fraction/ ratio of each element in the compound. For example the empirical formula may show that there i s hydrogen and
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